Test and Tag Training

Course Outcome:

UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace

UEERL0003 Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies

To be eligible to enrol with QET you must have:

1. Either a trade background, or an electronic technician background. And

2. Be employed and your employer requires you to conduct test and tag.

Firstly, AS/NZS 3760 provides guidelines on the electrical knowledge and other principles that a competent person (test and tagger) requires. It states that the test and tagger has a basic understanding of electrical principles, both AC and DC. I wonder whether a basic understanding of AC principles actually exist as the theory of AC is quite complex. Nevertheless, QET covers AC principles so that the students have an understanding of AC theory so that they can apply this to test and tag. You will understand not only volts, amps, ohms, and watts, but also VARs and VA. Also, the measurements taken during testing are in engineering units, and so there is also a need to for the test and tagger to apply this in their work. You will be able to work with mega, kilo, milli and micro. Finally, you will also understand and apply in practice, Circuit Protection, Electrical Safety, and Inspection and testing to ASNZS 3760.

Secondly, you must be employed in a job where you are required to perform test and tag. In Queensland, a test and tagger can only perform test and tag on their own equipment, or their employer's equipment unless they have also completed a Queensland Electrical Contracting Course and hold an electrical contracting licence. Also, certain electrical equipment can be quite tricky to test and tag, and therefore QET prefers to complete the training onsite, testing the electrical equipment that you will be expected to test. QET does hold an electrical contracting licence and so are licensed to perform electrical work on your business work site.


Training is delivered onsite and normally over five days.


Theory Assessment:

In accordance with AS/NZS 3760.

  • Electrical Principles and Safety
  • Electrical protection
  • Inspection and testing to AS/NZS3760
  • Regulatory Requirements

Practical Assessment:

In accordance with the Queensland Legislation, Code of Practice: Managing electrical risks in the Workplace and the Australian/ NZ Standards framework.

You will be required to complete testing on your/ your employer's equipment. I will bring with me electrical equipment that have faults installed for your practical assessment.

Duration: 5 days
Location: Onsite
Class Size: Approximately 6 students to make the training cost-effective.
Cost: Varies depending on location, please contact me for a quote.
Date: Contact Chris to confirm dates for training.
Still interested: Please contact me preferably by email(chris@qet.edu.au) or see contact details. A 20% deposit or Purchase Order will lock in dates for this course (refer to page 5 of the Student handbook in the footer with regard to QET's refund policy).